Bull Running

Bull fighting in Spain is a controversial subject. There is some who will say it only exists because of tourists. This is not true. Some say it’s part of the culture and history of the country, and must be retained, and I can understand this view, but perhaps I’ve lived here too long. I saw my first bullfight in Barcelona in the 1960’s when I lived there and witnessed the famous El Cordobes.

Undoubtedly it is cruel to the bulls. However bulls do have some recompense in the cities and towns like mine with the annual bull running in the streets, which see a number of deaths(of people!).

None of course match Pamplona. I should point out that most of the crazy people running in front of the bulls are Spanish, but quite a few are foreigners who come from all over the world to test their courage or just to say they were there.

Things didn’t go quite to plan in 2013. At least 21 people were gored or trampled on the latest day of carnage at the Pamplona bull run, including an Irishman who suffered serious chest injuries.

In shocking scenes broadcast live on Spanish television, there was a huge crush when the animals charged a crowd at the narrow entrance to the bullring, officials said. As the huge animals thundered into the entrance of the tunnel, they were blocked by a mound of dozens of people who had fallen and were piled on top of one another.

Of course not all bull running is quite as dangerous. Normally it is down the main street, but my local towns of Javea and Denia have a special kind of event. The local youths show their ‘courage’ by trying to entice a bull to charge them and then dive into the sea, hoping the bull will follow. Quite often they do and you wouldn’t want to be underneath it when it landed. If you didn’t know – bulls can swim. They are lassoed by men in a rowing boat and taken back to shore. I saw one a few years ago get back into the ring and run straight back into the sea, perhaps not too happy with his first dive.

Here in Javea a little black dog certainly enjoyed it and even seems to push the bull into the sea

Another ‘game’ with bulls is bull jumping and displayed below. These are professionals, but as you can soon see one bull gets the better of them. I saw bull jumping in the main street of a local town with a number of these fellows doing it in the middle of the street.

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